Forest Feedback

Here is a new work I did while visiting Lower Bavaria. It’s a nicely minimal setup that allows me to play the feedback between the environment, mic and a portable speaker. Again it’s using Max/ MSP, with reverb, band pass filtering and ring modulation. The sidebands created by ring modulation (the most Hermetic of all modulation types I’m sure you’ll agree….) allows me to offset and modify the feedback pitch and texture in quite subtle ways. In sub-audio rate frequencies it also adds a nice pulsating quality to the tones. It felt quite instrumental from the beginning. There was a real sense of playing the feedback, and also of having to interact with something that had a mind of its own, so to speak.

Feedback is also an Ouroburos, which pairs up nicely with the ‘as above so below’ character in RM.

This is an avenue I’m looking forward to exploring much more in the future, as it does create the feeling of a more intimate relation between the performance and the location.